Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fahrenheit 451- Clarisse

Clarisse is a very interesting character. She seems really out of place among the other characters in the book and in the setting because she is both young and thoughtful. When Millie was talking about how she got hit by a car, I honestly almost cried (by the way, that happened to me a couple time during the book, which is strange because it is not a very large book).

Clarisse is sort of like a breath of fresh air, if I may use that overused statement. The physical setting is not really described, so it seems like the entire place is nothing but concrete and buildings. She points out little things like dandelions and rain, and it makes the setting seem a little less scary more like things are now (Bradbury 21). Of course, that could be taken as making things more frightening because nature is the same but no one notices it. She notices all of the really wonderful things and is a happy wee girl because of it.

Another thing that is important about her is that she thinks about things (Bradbury 23). Apparently that is quite a unique trait in the story. Come to think of it, it is rather unique for anyone to just sit and think about things in normal life. I think that is why I like her character so much. Thoughtful people are pretty rare. She is not very fond of the other people her age, and I can not say I blame her (Bradbury 30). If I was her, I do not think I would ever go to school again, who wants to spend all day with a bunch of carless louts? She is pretty curious as well. She is always looking at and doing something different when Montag passes her on his way home (Bradbury 28). Her curiosity implies that she likes to learn things, because people who like learning are always looking for answers to their questions.

Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Ballantine, 1996. Print.

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