Friday, May 4, 2012

Journal 31

On Wednesday I went to the National Guard base in Springfield to job shadow some of the people there.  It may not have been the most exciting three hours of my life, but I feel like I am much more informed now on my possible career choices.  I spent some time talking to some of the engineers there, and learned that the National Guard engineers mostly work on building construction and maintenance.  This is not really what I am interested in, but at least it let me know for sure that the National Guard is off my list of possibilities.  I then spent some time talking to a former recruiter/current engineer.  He let me know how I should go about getting where I want to be in the military and talked a little bit about what a person has to do while on reserve.  Of course none of this had yet occurred to me, so I am very glad to have had this conversation.

I also spent some time talking with an officer in the National Guard.  I am planning to become an officer in the Army or Navy, so I was really interested in what she had to say about it.  She told me that she had enjoyed her time before becoming an officer more because as an officer, she now has to spend more time planning and less time actually training.  This really made me think that I might be getting myself into something I will not really enjoy around a year from now, so I think I should really talk to some officers in other branches of the military before I make any decisions.

To conclude, I realized that I need to get more information about what my duties as an officer will be and about what will be expected of me during the years I am on reserve.  I realized that I was not quite as well informed about my future career choice as I had thought.

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